This project was a Guaranteed Energy Savings Contract for Breckinridge County Schools, located in Hardinsburg, Kentucky. 8 facilities were included in the project scope. This project was approximately 90% funded through energy and operational savings.
The project scope included:
- At Breckinridge High School, existing chiller and boiler plants were removed and a new geothermal wellfield and variable air volume (VAV) water source heat pumps were installed.
- 13 existing DX/propane packaged rooftop units were replaced, and 2 additional DX/propane packaged RTUs were installed at Custer Elementary School.
- 66.3 kW solar PV arrays were installed on the roofs of both Hardinsburg Elementary School and Irvington Elementary School
- Web-based digital HVAC controls upgrades were made district-wide to improve building performance, monitor, diagnose, and troubleshoot HVAC systems at all schools
- Plumbing upgrades and bottle-filling station upgrades were made district-wide
- LED lighting replacements and retrofits for over 4,000 fixtures
- Plumbing fixture upgrades were installed at 3 schools
- Air purification devices installed district-wide