This project was a Guaranteed Energy Savings Contract for Breckinridge County Schools, located in Hardinsburg, Kentucky. 8 facilities were included in the project scope. This project was approximately 90% funded through energy and operational savings.
The project scope included:
At Breckinridge High School, existing chiller and boiler plants were removed and a new geothermal wellfield and variable air volume (VAV) water source heat pumps were installed.
13 existing DX/propane packaged rooftop units were replaced, and 2 additional DX/propane packaged RTUs were installed at Custer Elementary School.
66.3 kW solar PV arrays were installed on the roofs of both Hardinsburg Elementary School and Irvington Elementary School
Web-based digital HVAC controls upgrades were made district-wide to improve building performance, monitor, diagnose, and troubleshoot HVAC systems at all schools
Plumbing upgrades and bottle-filling station upgrades were made district-wide
LED lighting replacements and retrofits for over 4,000 fixtures
Plumbing fixture upgrades were installed at 3 schools
Baseline: The annual energy consumption before the project
Guaranteed: CMTA's guaranteed energy use for the client post-project
Actual: The measured energy use after the project
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Renovations That Pay For Themselves, Guaranteed
It is without reservation that I recommend CMTA as a premier ESCO. Their dedication to excellence, innovative solutions, and client-focused approach make them an invaluable partner in any energy efficiency initiative.
I...highly recommend the services of the CMTA for an energy savings project to serve the needs
of your local school district. Having worked closely with CMTA on several energy efficiency initiatives, I can
confidently attest to their expertise, dedication, and remarkable track record in this field.
I take great pleasure in acknowledging the excellent work and professionalism modeled by CMTA while completing the Energy Savings projects for Wood County Schools.
Michael F. Fling, Assistant Superintendent of Support Services