Kentucky Community Technical College SystemMultiple Locations in Kentucky, USA
Project At A Glance
Size: 2 Campuses
Contract Amount: $5,759,110
Guaranteed Savings: $456,864 Annually
Actual Savings: $569,577 Annually
Completed: 2017
This project for the Kentucky Community & Technical College System was a Guaranteed Energy Savings Contract that included 20 buildings, over 725,383 square feet, at two separate community colleges. The first college, Ashland Community and Technical College, consists of three separate campuses. The second, Bluegrass Community and Technical College, has two main campuses and four remote campuses. The project was 100% funded through energy and operational savings.
5 buildings received extensive HVAC renovations with DDC control systems
All 20 buildings received building control upgrades and were integrated into Commonwealth Energy Management and Control System (CEMCS)
Lighting upgrades across all the buildings included LED fixtures, occupancy controls, and photocell controls
Water efficiency upgrades consisted of low flow plumbing fixtures
Baseline: The annual energy consumption before the project
Guaranteed: CMTA's guaranteed energy use for the client post-project
Actual: The measured energy use after the project
Our project replaced multiple systems at the end of their life, as well as resolving many of the control issues that we were experiencing throughout our college. CMTA has been a valuable asset after the project as well, through the review of our data. Their reviews have provided additional savings.
Paul Seasor, Director of Maintenance & Operations
Ashland Community & Technical College
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Renovations That Pay For Themselves, Guaranteed
We see these buildings everyday and consistently find issues and places for improvements with control. This was the first building in all of our experience where advanced control strategies had been implemented, and implemented correctly.